Tuesday, April 6, 2010


啊! 他竟然把我的花丢了!
难怪我总有种不安的心情,经过厨房几次,好像没看到我的花。。。好伤心哦,好歹也问下是谁的东西嘛,虽然家是你的。。。too bad

Monday, April 5, 2010

smoking culture in my office

There is one thing i cannot get used to it for these few months in my office, which is smoking culture. From the first day i stepped into this office, i found that ppl love to love, either guy or girl....a mother too. Smoking culture not only an event in my office, but also meeting. They smoke in the meeting room, hor???
There is a door behind me which link to the back lane, they love to invite ppl and hv smoking meeting, the love to do that, about 3-4 times per day.
Another smoking hour is lunch time. One cigarette after meal is good for health??? haha...
Actually they are nice ppl, jz addicted with cigarette. Sometime i feel that im weird coz i dun smoke...haha..but i worried bout my lungs condition too....coz 2nd hand smoke is not good for me.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

when can i end this

每次从新山回来都有一种强烈的感觉像要结束这样的生活,长途跋涉真得很折磨,只有我可以抽出时间来见对方,好累!每次分离时还要难舍难离。 这次的路程比平时的辛苦,去的时候搭上了一辆白目的司机,到处再找油站因为没油了,结果花了六小时才到,回到家还得赶图给老板,搞到五点多才能睡。 回吉隆坡时也没好到哪里去,遇上了车祸,交通塞得乱七八糟,搭地铁的路途中还在下雨天是在马路上摔了一绞,突然间很讨厌自己,为什么把自己弄得这么可怜,朋友说:你真得很可以。 为什么我要这么执著,只需要一个决定,我就可以结束这样的生活,你到底在等什么,男朋友重要? 工作? 老板? 这个问题在我心中已经有了答案。。。。

Monday, March 1, 2010



Sunday, February 28, 2010



Wednesday, January 27, 2010


那天,有个朋友跟我说:哇,那个男的很帅,很像那个追我的男生,早知道那时接受他。那时我说:你男朋友对您也不错啊。我朋友说:但他很体贴的,对我很细心。我说;可能他对每个人都是那么好的呢?我朋友却有点认同我, 我们应该称这一类人是好心人,还是多情人呢?分析一下,好心人是大爱,他对每个人都好,至于多情人呢,他们可能只是对某些人好而已,而且很善于浪漫的事,女人的最爱。如果你的情人是个多情人,那也是件蛮累人的事,但如果他是个老实汉时,你又嫌他不懂情趣,到底是女人麻烦,还是男人难当啊? 这是单身汉就要说;懒得理这些麻烦的事,还是单身贵族好,你说呢??

Monday, January 25, 2010

Date with stars!!!

I tot im gonna spend my sat alone in kl and eating my maggie, net surfing...... suddenly get a good news from my bf tat he got tickets for my astro musical awards in genting, act there is no very exciting feeling, all the stars are jz human being for me, but when i came to the musical event, all the fans and supporters for different singers screamed for their own idol, the ambiance over ther get everyone high and exciting, everyone was squeezing and pushing jz to shake hand and capture their idol. When the festival started, we were getting high with the music and the dancers, a few frens of my bf and i yelled for the name of the singers that they supported oso. Actually im not so sure which singer tat i support, i think i jz scream for no reason, i think this is a very good way to release stress, haha, at least u are not screaming alone like a crazy man,this is a unforgettable experience, at least seeing handsome guys and pretty gals is a very enjoyable thing oso :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sori for letting my parents worried bout me

I feel so regret that i complained bout my work prob to my mum after i get a call from the client. Yesterday, when i was having my dinner and enjoy my peace of mind after work, my client called again after working hour, this savage woman was making lots annoying voice and she was scolding you for ridiculous reason, i think i was having mental suffering for the whole week. I made a call to my mum and i was cried unexpectedly, i think i had terrify my mum. After i hang up my call, my dad called me! My dad never call me or my other sisters as well, my mum is the messenger, this is the first time! I think i reali make them so worried bout me, i feel so regret and i shdnt spread my unhappy feelings to the people who love me and care of me, im sorry

Monday, January 11, 2010

how i gonna pass through this??

No matter how i do not to let this happen, but i still cant avoid this. I was seriously and thoroughly scolded by a client this morning, i tears almost come out my eyes but i tried my best and swallow it back, i dun wanna let people thinks that im so weak, and i know that i nid to solve the problem but not crying like a baby. Im not sure who is wrong or right, but i know im taking this responsible, sometimes people nids to pass through this tough period before they come to success, jz dont be so stupid and careful mandy, you can do it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

i m threaten by a fear lady

I thought stressful working life wont come to me so fast, a fear lady step into my life without any signal makes me so frustrated and unstable. After i worked there for 3 months, my boss started let me handle a bungalow project. At first, i thought bungalow wont be a very difficult task for me, but im wrong. This is not as same as project that i did in university, i nid to settle every minor minor task by myself, as an junior LA, i feel that im seriously lack of experiences, if i keep asking boss bout small small prob, i jz felt that im very stupid and troublesome person, much less im creating problem oso. oh god, im so worried bout this,i been scolded by client for several times ard, when the queations threw out by client, i jz felt unprepared for an eventuality. BUT, it's no way by keep complaining bout how pity that i scolded by client, i mz improve myself so that i can do it better next time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

working like a machine

i feels so pity tat i cant meet my sister! My sister came to kl and ask me out to meet up, 2day im quite bz, lots of task waiting for me to complete it, i try my best to complete it b4 6pm, but....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my sisrter big day
