Monday, August 24, 2009







不要等到拥有许多后,到懂得分享一些-- 因为每个人都会知道你自私自利

不要等到失败后,才记得别人的忠告-- 不要觉得自己活该倒霉,活在"早知道"里


不要等到分开了才来挽回,等到别人受伤了才祈求原谅-- 纵然懊悔自己辜负真情,不知好歹,被人诅咒狼心狗肺,不是所有的伤害都可以弥补,挽回.


Friday, August 21, 2009

runaway from guys' world!

2day i hv a great dinner, bcoz i can runaway from guys' world and hang out with my girls' friends with girls' topics!!! I feel so beh tahan with guys' topic recently, bcoz of this maya course majority are guys and i always hang out with guys, sometimes i am the only girl among 5 guys! Last fews days i fren come find me, when she knew that i had my dinner with 5 guys, my fren said: whoa, mandy, u very geng ler! haiz....u know what are the topics among guys?? 1. Women, expecially sexy women with short skirt! this can make them feel excited! 2. Games, imagine they talked about games almost every dinner time! and etc ....etc......THIS IS MAN! They said that discussing bout girl will help them in doing human modeling, will it be?? i dun know, they even said play game can also help them in character design, maybe.......when guys started dicussing bout this 2 topics, 2 girls will jz sit ther, she looked at me, i'm looked at her. My roommate and i started feel bored with this kind of life....I need 2 runaway from this, even for jz one day, i think i will feel better 2molo......thank you my girl friends! Sory my "boy" friends!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


我终于戴上四方帽了! 好难得又能和这般大学朋友聚在一起,一大群朋友里,看见了难得一见的奇景,大大的你和小小的你,哈哈,仿佛看见了大家老了是什么样子, 大家都穿了同样的衣服大合照,这个画面太可爱了!我突然问起了朋友,我们还有什么机会能够大家都聚在一起,结果她说,应该是结婚的时候吧,天啊,我好像很老了,已经慢慢步入另一个人生的阶段,不要这么快行吗?不想这么快被人称呼aunty mandy, 你们都变成aunty jane, aunty tammy,aunty yoyoe, aunty celyn...不过我相信你们都是很modern的aunty,男的得就很难担保,可能很快就有bernard的成就,cute tummy...hehe.... 如果时间能倒流,我希望可以回到这四年的大学生涯,回想起这四年都是美好的,每一页都是色彩的,可惜时间都不能倒流,只能印在我的心里。。。。

Monday, August 3, 2009

pretty woman

pretty woman...walking on the street, pretty woman......

uv texture frog....

this is a frog with peanut skin....hehe.....failed example......